Advertising at the airport


Heartbeats of our solutions

Take advantage of the airport's unique advertising environment on a whole new scale. Based on data sources, Heartbeats allows you to target your advertising and run even more effective campaigns.


With our innovative Heartbeats concept, the era of mass media is changing to a new kind of personalised outdoor advertising. The concept is designed to make it easier for advertising and media buyers to both purchase and design their advertising. With Heartbeats, we can profile air passengers better and more comprehensively, and we also reach international passengers more efficiently.


In the future, airport advertising can be purchased from a team of experts who map out your advertising needs, design the best solution, illustrate it, and fix the price competitively to fit your budget. The advertisements are better suited to the environment and are perceived as a relevant and useful part of the airport service experience.

Read more about our Heartbeats concept

Advertising opportunities


Build your brand in a unique and high-quality environment where your brand is encountered with an open mind over and over again. Reach a purchasing audience from international target groups to B2B decision makers. Repeat your message throughout the airport to further strengthen your campaign.


The airport is an excellent choice when you want to effectively reach consumers from around Finland or internationally by utilising only one advertising environment. The use of airport solutions should be considered both for this purpose and as part of other campaigns. In a diverse environment, you will find the right solutions for your needs and budget.

Reach, remind and build a top-of-mind

At the airport, your campaign will reach a huge number of active consumers with purchasing power in a short time. Despite a short campaign time, you get good frequency for your advertisement: the airport is not just a transit area but a comfortable space where people spend an average of two hours. A visitor is likely to encounter your advertisement many times in just a few hours, so short-term visibility at the airport is a great way to remind and inspire a customer and build a top-of-mind.

Impact in an environment with people moving with a positive and open mind

People start their holiday trips in good spirits and are also ready to spend more money than usual. Your advertisement will be seen in a positive state of mind and it will be remembered: 70% of passengers¹ consider the airport to be a good advertising environment and 50% of passengers¹ remember an advertisement seen spontaneously at the airport.

Reach interesting target groups

The purchasing power of the airport customers is excellent and the airport focuses on the following target groups, among others: highly educated, high-income employees and employees in decision-making and leading positions. Finnish air passengers are more interested than average in culture, fashion, beauty care and personal development, they are more likely to make investments, own their home and have insurance.² The airport is also Finland's largest B2B media environment, so it is an absolute must for advertisers seeking business decision-makers.

1) Clear Channel & ToinenPHD, Airport study in Finland 2013
2) Clear Channel Airport Audience Survey 2018 (Taloustutkimus)

How to advertise at the airport?

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At the airport, you can impact consumers with either long-term or short-term visibility – whichever you choose, you will get excellent reach for your campaign. The airport's advertising network includes a wide range of different digital and static advertising solutions to suit different needs.


Many of the advertising surfaces at the airport are completely unique and cannot be found anywhere else. For example, your message can be part of the service experience, it can appear on unique and impressive advertising surfaces, or it can reach the passenger through the entire airport through our advertising network.

Long-term brand visibility at the airport

The airport is a diverse media environment where brands can comprehensively meet a variety of stakeholders. As an advertising environment, the airport is exceptional, as long-term branding campaigns are also reasonable and effective in this environment. A campaign at the airport will have a long-lasting impact on a new audience that, in practice, changes almost every day. Extending your campaign time brings a relatively wider audience to the campaign than in other media environments, and longer visibility guarantees a higher level of frequency for the campaign.


The airport is a high-quality advertising environment with a lot of unique and impressive advertising surfaces. It is the most favourable advertising environment for brand building, as research1 shows that large premium digital surfaces build brand reputation. Well-known and iconic brands are also basically expected to be featured on the impressive advertising surfaces. Read more »


In addition to digital premium advertising, you can build your brand through traditional storytelling visibility or interaction. For example, service branding and partnerships help bring your brand closer to the consumer through advertising, which is a positive and comfort-enhancing part of the travel experience.

1) Cog Research, 2016.


Read more about the solutions

Brand & Fame locationsImpressively attract attention to build your brand reputation. According to studies*, brands that advertise on impressive premium surfaces look good, make a bigger impact, and get more attention. These capturing surfaces are individual and highly impressive advertising solutions.

*Cog Research, 2016

Service Branding and Partnerships –Deepen brand awareness while also gaining tactical benefits. Service branding and partnerships are individual concepts or locations, such as Family Gate branding or a download service implemented by Fortum. Branding is a memorable implementation that allows you to associate positive images with your brand.

Networks – Cover the entire airport and gather massive frequency for your message to be noticed again and again. The networks are suitable for both tactical and branded advertising and can be used to reach virtually all air passengers or, for example, Business Lounge visitors. On some networks, it is also possible to run longer ads.

Tactical visibility at the airport

Tactical advertising at the airport is suitable for brands wanting to effectively reach B2B customers, the international target group or Finnish consumers with the most purchasing power.


People start their holiday trips in good spirits and are also ready to spend more money than usual. People spend an average of two hours at the airport, during which your advertisement will also be encountered frequently. A lot of time is also spent shopping, so advertising can be used to guide shopping behaviour already at the airport. Brands with products or services not sold immediately at the airport also benefit from airport advertising. This is due to the unique opportunities offered by the environment, the unique audience and the positive state of mind of the passengers.


An advertisement suitable for the high-quality environment of the airport and the situation is the secret of a successful campaign. For example, Reima advertises its seasonal products with stylish, film-like brand videos presenting their products beautifully through action. Advertising can also be dynamic, so that a changing campaign is always relevant, steers purchasing behaviour, and improves the customer experience. For example, a dynamic advertisement may change when a particular flight is delayed, prompting consumers waiting for the flight to spend their extra time enjoying a coffee at a discounted price. The benefits and opportunities of digitalisation should be taken into account when planning advertising. For example, an airport advertising campaign with audio advertising has already been launched at the airport.


Read more about the solutions

The Gateway This impressive Brand & Fame surface is suitable not only for long-term advertising but also for tactical advertising when you want to reach international travellers in a very eye-catching way. The Gateway screen allows you to reach most of the Non-Schengen transit passengers.

The High Street – This impressive Brand & Fame surface is suitable not only for long-term advertising but also for tactical advertising when you want to reach passengers in a very eye-catching way. The High Street, consisting of two corner screens, is located in one of the busiest areas of the Terminal 2, in the middle of the shopping and restaurant area, right next to the Schengen Business Lounge.

Networks Cover the entire airport and gather massive frequency for your message to be noticed again and again. The networks are suitable for both tactical and branded advertising and can be used to reach virtually all air passengers or, for example, Business Lounge visitors. On some networks, it is also possible to run longer ads.

Encounters or promotions

Promotional places function well at the airport, as passengers waiting for a flight have time to spend. A good promotion attracts the customer with content and a high-quality presence. In addition, polite and considerate behaviour guarantee a successful promotion. You can design different implementations that activate and surprise consumers in a unique environment, bringing your brand close to the customer.             


According to a study, in 2015, the effectiveness of face-to-face encounters in customer acquisition increased by 24% compared to the previous year, and was perceived as the third most effective way to gain new customers¹. Face-to-face conversation is more personal, reliable and people-oriented compared to online transactions, for example. Impressive promotional solutions grab the attention of passers-by and encourage interaction with your brand or its representative.


Utilising promotional points, it is possible to organise, for example, product tastings and distributions, various events or open pop-up sales counters. Although the usual solutions are effective, the promotion does not have to follow the traditional formula – only your imagination is the limit when considering the possibilities of implementation!


Implementing an effective and efficient promotion is easy even with a smaller budget. From our comprehensive selection, you are sure to find a promotional solution that fits your budget. Each of our promotional places at the airport reaches a significant audience and captures the attention of passers-by.


1) DMA; ICM Research Customer Acquisition Barometer 2015 Report, page 15


Read more about promotions

The main promotional places along the most central and busiest routes are sure to grab the attention of passengers. The image promotional place has advertised numerous well-known and high-end brands and enjoys a spectacular location in T2 near the shopping venues, reaching a huge audience of both international and domestic audiences.

In addition to the impressive main promotional places, our selection also includes smaller promotional places, such as this 2.5 m2 promotional place located in connection with the T2 meeting place. Each of our promotional places at the airport reaches a significant audience and captures the attention of passers-by, and from our comprehensive selection you are sure to find a promotional solution to suit your budget.

The airport is an excellent environment for experiential promotional implementations, as passengers have time to spend before the flight and they move with a positive and open mind. A good promotion attracts the customer with content and offers an interesting pastime or help along the way. High-quality presence, behaviour that takes the passenger's situation into account, and interesting content guarantee a successful promotion.

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