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Helsinki Airport digital, Digital targeting kits

Target: Family Vacationers

Take advantage of the airport's unique advertising environment on a whole new scale and target your campaign for families.

We've combined multiple data sources to identify the routes of different target groups with hourly accuracy – reach your chosen target group reliably and effectively.


Key figures

OTC Total
1,40 M
Media price
0 € / wk
Media CPT
0,00 €
No of Panels
Operational costs
390 €
Campaign Duration (wk)
Target group contacts
142 000
No of Panels
Media price
2 130 €
Content management fee
390 €
Maintenance + Electricity
+ 9,5%


  • No of Panels: 47
  • Cities: Vantaa (47)
  • Locations: NoSe Airside (34), Schengen Airside (13)